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My 2nd Baby's First Picture

Posted by ceztlavie at 8:23 AM

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Grabe! Kaliit-liit nya, pero super likot!

Who is Cookie Monster?

Posted by ceztlavie at 2:30 PM

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Me: Caitlin, ano name ni mommy?
Caitlin: Cez

Me: Ano name ni daddy?
Caitlin: Mah-lon (Marlon)

Me: (pointing at Mama Sit) Ano name ni Mama Sit?
Caitlin: (just looks at me)

Me: Name ni Mama Sit, Rosita. Ano name ni Mama Sit?
Caitlin: Rosita

Me: Ano uli name ni Mama Sit?
Caitlin: Rosita

Me: Eh si Papa Ning, anong name?
Caitlin: Cookie Monster!


Apparently, she associated Rosita with Sesame Street's monster Rosita.


Don't you just hate morning sickness?

Posted by ceztlavie at 9:27 AM

Friday, August 03, 2007

Since I found out I was pregnant with baby #2, I have been more atuned with the symptoms and changes in my body brought about by the pregnancy.

And the thing I hate most about being pregnant is the whole day (and I mean WHOLE DAY)bouts with morning sickness. I've been throwing up almost everything I eat. I can't seem to find any food that is agreeable with my tummy.

I just hope this doesn't last throughout my entire pregnancy.

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