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And Then It Was Sean's Turn

Posted by ceztlavie at 10:25 AM

Monday, November 10, 2008

First off, thank you to everyone who sent well wishes for Caitlin. She's doing fine now.

She was discharged from the hospital last October 28th (a day after I blogged about her confinement). But before she can be discharged, we had to wait for her pediatrician for a final checkup. Everything was clear and we just have to continue her nebulization twice a day for the next 2 weeks.

We also took advantage of the pedia's time to have Sean checked. He had fever the past 3 days and threw up 4x the previous day. We were really worried since throwing up in babies is not a very good sign. And before we could even leave the hospital and take our little girl home, our baby boy was admitted!

I immediately went to the admitting section to reserve (another) room for Sean. Then my brother and I took him down to the ER for some tests and to have his IV inserted.

He was really fussy and crying when his chest x-ray was taken that he fell asleep after. He didn't make a fuss when his IV was inserted. He just slept through it! The nurses, and even the ER doctors on duty, were amazed that he didn't cry at all! But I wasn't really surprised since he doesn't cry during his vaccine shots. Hehehe...

He still threw up during the first couple of days in the hospital but his fever had started to go down. He was just given some vitamins and paracetamol since his pedia suspected that it was just something viral. But after that first 2 days, he started coughing and phlegm was detected in his lungs. He has bronco pneumonia. The pedia then started him on some antibiotics.

Thankfully, he responded well to the medication and was discharged on November 1st.

Whew! The hospital was our home for that entire week! I don't think I'd like that to happen again anytime soon.

Here's a picture of Sean in the hospital. He didn't look sick at all!

And in case you're wondering what's that big white thing wrapped around his arm, that's a disposable diaper. They use it to prevent the patient (specially babies and toddlers) from playing with and eventually taking off the IV.

Anyway, both kids are now back at home and doing well. It even seems as if they were never sick at all.

Again, thanks for all your prayers and well wishes! We really appreciate them! :)

i wish...

Posted by ceztlavie at 3:15 PM

Thursday, November 06, 2008

i could disappear...
even for just a day...


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