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A Funny Thing Happened in Florida

Posted by ceztlavie at 12:41 AM

Saturday, August 23, 2008

As most of you know, my line of work has required me to travel and be assigned overseas for months at a time for project assignments. My travels have brought me to several countries in Asia, to Australia, and to several states in the US.

Though the main purpose of my travels is business or training, I made sure that I get to visit at least some of the tourist attractions of the places I have been to. I would often schedule my sight seeing on weekends. Somehow, it sort of felt like I was on vacation even if I am there for work.

I remember, during my first foreign assignment, our team decided to go on a trip to Orlando, Florida during the Holy Week break. We visited the Universal Studios, MGM Studios, and Disneyland. But since most of us are Catholics, we still tried to observe Holy Week as much as we could.

The last day of our trip coincided with Easter and before we headed for the airport to go back home, we all decided to hear Easter mass. So we drove around the city to find a church. As soon as we saw one, we parked our rented van and ushered ourselves inside.

We noticed something odd during entire the mass celebration – the priest had his back turned towards the whole community. We thought maybe it was because it was Easter. Then communion came. We wondered why we were given actual bread and not the host that we were used to.

It was only when we got out of the church after the mass that we noticed it wasn’t a Catholic church! Haha! We had the laugh of our lives but we figured it’s our good intention that counts.

Before we actually went on the trip, we refered to online travel guides for available Orlando tours. We found http://www.trustedtours.com/. A travel site that offers discounted tours of several key cities, such as Las Vegas tours (that included a visit to Madame Tussauds wax museum), etc. You can even subscribe to their site’s newsletter, which by the way gives you a chance to win a $150 Magellan’s Gift Certificate just by signing up. It's that easy!

Next time you’re planning to go on a vacation, you may want to check out this site :)


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